Grand Coffret Petite Section

$35.00 USD
This small section box includes educational boards as well as letter, number, animal, vegetable counters, etc. In this box, there are more than 10 progressive games to play alone or with others: the little letter train, the color lotto, the big farm game, etc.
My large box for small sections, for fun learning
These games with progressive difficulties have been developed by early childhood professionals. They work and develop the child's thinking and logic. The colors of its elements are bright and allow children to better record and memorize information. This game contains boards, tokens, puzzles, bases, dice, dominoes... and many elements necessary for your child's learning. Thanks to this box, your children will be able to learn to read, count, write, the names of animals, fruits and vegetables... The box contains 162 pieces and is ideal for children between 3 and 6 years old.